Big News: New Book

Guess what? I finally did it! I finally published a book! My dream was to publish a book by age 30… I am in my 30s, so that counts, right? This one is not my memoir, but acts as a companion to it. It is titled As a Living House and it is about tools, tips and tricks I used to overcome PTSD. I hope it can help you on

A first look at my book, What the Light Left Behind

I started writing this book as a way to heal from the ordeal of having a second (non-multiple) baby with an extended Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU) stay. Also, the helplessness and trauma I felt during her horrific birth triggered memories of a repressed rape and other traumas I had pushed aside so that I could raise my children efficiently. I hadn’t dealt with any of the traumas in any sort
