
I am not that old, but I’ve been through some serious trials in my time on this Earth. Most of us have, and if not, just wait.

Just today as I was “playing” with my kids outside and I use that in quotes because my kids were really just fighting with me or themselves, I was feeling very exasperated, and my reserves were running low. I looked up and saw a hawk fly by right in front of me. In literature and culture, hawks represent messengers from God or the Higher Self, depending on your cultural world view. I am not one that adheres to spirit animals or totems, but I have a knowledge of this from literature. I feel as if God wants to speak to me, he should give me signs in forms that I understand: literary interpretations of flowers, nature and animals. I took seeing this random hawk as a sign from God that like the hawk, I have the valuable gift of sight; not only eye sight but insight. The hawk knows when and if to migrate, when there may be prey in the area and when they should make their move and so do I, if I truly listen and believe. I should feel blessed and not waste my gifts.
