Why I Don’t Do Detoxes Anymore

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional or licensed dietician. Yes, I do a lot of research and have experienced the good, bad and ugly of detoxes, but this is opinion based on my experience and my research. This is not advice and is based on my body which is relatively healthy.  Personal note: As a recovering OCD sufferer, detoxes, or any restrictive eating, does not bode well for my

Caffeine Diaries

Fun Fact: I am part Swedish. My Swedish ancestry may also be because I am so Irish, that I register as an Irish Viking. I should change my Instagram handle! But that’s not the fun fact. The fun fact is that my Swedish kin have the largest caffeine consumption in the world. It was actually a running joke when I didn’t give up coffee when I was pregnant (except unwillingly

A Skin Care How To

One staple in my self-care routine is a good skincare regimen. My skin is my thing. For some people it is their hair or nails, but for me it is my skin. I know that having a frilly, time-consuming skin care regimen isn’t going to be for everyone, but I do think it is essential for self-care. Even if it is just taking a few minutes for yourself once or

How to Create a Self-Care Ritual

Ya’ll, I get asked a lot what got me through the worst of times during my postpartum struggles or what I learned that could help someone else going through a rough time. For me, there wasn’t just one answer. Obviously, Prozac is worth its weight in gold and counseling worked like a charm also. But not everyone is at that point. Often, we are just overly tired or overly stressed.
