The Sticking Place

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If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!Go on over to Your Life Enhanced Blog and check out my friend, Mindy McCorkle’s, website. She is an author, lady business owner, motivational speaker and blogger. While you are checking out her page, read my guest blog post on PTSD awareness!

How To Make a Hillbilly Charcuterie Plate: A YouTube “Fail” Turned Success

A Guide to the Perfect Hillbilly Charcuterie Tray I have been seeing these beautiful snack/charcuterie trays all over Pinterest and YouTube. They were lovely, elegant and looked delicious, but when I thought ‘I want to try that’, my next thought was, ‘no one in this house will eat that but me. Hell, no one in my family would eat that but me.’ But still… I wanted to make one. I

My First Blog Post

Ya’ll: I am not that old, but I’ve been through some serious trials in my time on this Earth. Most of us have, and if not, just wait. Just today as I was “playing” with my kids outside and I use that in quotes because my kids were really just fighting with me or themselves, I was feeling very exasperated, and my reserves were running low. I looked up and

How to Create a Self-Care Ritual

Ya’ll, I get asked a lot what got me through the worst of times during my postpartum struggles or what I learned that could help someone else going through a rough time. For me, there wasn’t just one answer. Obviously, Prozac is worth its weight in gold and counseling worked like a charm also. But not everyone is at that point. Often, we are just overly tired or overly stressed.

A first look at my book, What the Light Left Behind

I started writing this book as a way to heal from the ordeal of having a second (non-multiple) baby with an extended Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU) stay. Also, the helplessness and trauma I felt during her horrific birth triggered memories of a repressed rape and other traumas I had pushed aside so that I could raise my children efficiently. I hadn’t dealt with any of the traumas in any sort
